Adventures In Laughter

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Whoever said laughter is the best medicine was definitely on to something. I mean, is it better than antibiotics? No…but it’s definitely a way to feel better in almost any circumstance. What follows then is a random assortment of things that currently make me laugh, including the groaners that my brother calls “dad jokes.”

Q: How many surrealists does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Fish

Q: Why did the chicken cross the road?

A: To get to the idiot’s house. Knock, knock…(who’s there?)…chicken.

A number of years ago, on separate occasions, I was gifted this small metal chicken and this larger hand-crafted dragon egg (you can buy your own from my former co-worker here). And both these items lived on my hutch, as pictured here.

And over time, as I looked as these two items in close proximity, this is what I saw. What can I say…it makes me laugh.

Q: What happens when you fart in church?

A: You sit alone in your pew.

Q: What is round on both ends and hi in the middle?

A: Ohio

Don’t judge me. I warned you these were groaners.

Below is a T-shirt worn by a former co-worker that made me laugh every time I saw him in it. Paramedic humor can be dark but it is hi-lar-i-ous.

Q: What’s the difference between a well-dressed man riding a bicycle and a poorly-dressed man riding a tricycle?

A: Attire

Q: What do you call a woodchuck who can’t chuck wood?

A: Chuck

Okay, enough with the groaners. Below is a card that has lived on a friend’s refrigerator for many years now. I took a picture of it some time ago and now I text it out to the family/friends list on St. Patrick’s Day. Irish humor…nothing like it.

I bought this card (you can get it on Amazon) for someone a few years ago and it’s made me laugh so much since then that I keep this picture on my phone to show people.

When I was a child, my father saw this cartoon in some newspaper somewhere. He didn’t show it to me but instead described it to me in detail, grinning all the while. Of course, any story told by my father-the-Irish-storyteller made me laugh, even though I didn’t see the cartoon myself. As an adult, having discovered the internet and the magic of Google, I’ve been able to find the actual original picture. I guess this is the closest any cat can come to true love…

And finally, the funniest cartoon in the history of the world from that master humorist (cartoonist) Gary Larson:


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