
AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In The Lunar Landscape

I don’t really care for politics.  I recognize that it’s a necessary evil in any civilized society but I still don’t want to understand or participate.   A more civic-minded friend of mine would probably say that I am failing my duties as a citizen if I don’t take pains to at least understand politics, but in some ways, I’ve always been a slacker.  Any political knowledge I possess was acquired in spite of my best efforts to remain oblivious.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In Space Opera

Picking a favorite author is often like picking your favorite child…most people have a favorite but won’t admit to it.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In Survival

Have you ever been reading a really good historical novel and as you’re busy inserting yourself into the narrative so as to really immerse yourself in the world, you think “This time period would be perfect if I knew how to make penicillin so that I don’t die of some deadly infection”…?  No?  Just me, then?

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In Time Travel

When I decided to review the Invisible Library series for the blog, I had about two weeks to get everything done, and since there were eight books (even for me, that’s a lot of books to read in two weeks), I put myself on a daily reading schedule, based on the number of pages in each book.  This allowed me to plow through all eight books in my (arbitrary) time limit, take notes, and write the post.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In Extraneous Plotlines

I have a confession.  Every so often, when I am very anxious about the outcome of a book (or more often, the fate of one of the characters), I have to read the ending in order to reduce my anxiety enough to go back and read the book in the proper order.  If you think that’s crazy and weird…well, I can’t really disagree with you.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In A Good Book

Do you like quirky yet witty (ie: British) humor? Puns? Classic English literature? Doctor Who and Douglas Adams? I think Jasper Fforde might be for you, specifically his Thursday Next series of books.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In Misfortune

I don’t exactly dislike murder mysteries, or mystery stories in general…I’d just usually prefer to read something else.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In The Invisible Library

The Invisible Library.  Just those words send a little shiver of delight through me.  Books!  A library’s worth of books!  And “invisible?”  What does that mean?  Is that like a secret library?  Ooooo, I hope it’s a secret library.  MY secret library.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In Piracy

I might have mentioned before how much I admire authors. I don’t want to use the word “idolize” (mostly because it doesn’t reflect well on me) but that word is probably accurate. And I am fortunate enough to personally know several published authors.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In Ciphers

I get as star-struck as any average citizen.  But not over  Over authors.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In The Scholomance

The Scholomance series is comprised of three books written by Naomi Novik: A Deadly Education, The Last Graduate, and The Golden Enclaves.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In The Wardrobe-Part 1

I’ve often thought that if a reader can be introduced to certain amazing children’s stories as a child, they experience it in a deep way that is not possible if they wait until they are adults before reading the story for the first time. Case in point: C.S. Lewis’ famous book The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In Hogwarts

I love the wizarding world and the Harry Potter books. I remember starting the series in 2000. I brought the first book to work (at a job where I worked nights and had a fair amount of free time) and finished it before the end of my shift.

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