Adventures In Ciphers
I get as star-struck as any average citizen. But not over Over authors.
Adventures in Confectionary
Does this look like the face of a pumpkin pie thief? No? Well, she’s had a couple years to perfect that innocent look, but I assure you that she is in fact a little ninja when it comes to swiping unguarded pie.
Adventures In The Scholomance
The Scholomance series is comprised of three books written by Naomi Novik: A Deadly Education, The Last Graduate, and The Golden Enclaves.
Adventures In Kaffekuchen
As any decent coffee house knows, you can’t really properly have coffee (or tea) without coffee cake.
Adventures In Sable
The fiber artists among my readers will know that SABLE stands for Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy. For you muggles (those who don’t knit or crochet), I will further explain that I myself have achieved SABLE. It’s exactly what it sounds like. My yarn stash has grown to such proportions that even if I knit or crochet for several hours every day for the rest of my life, I will never get through it all.
Adventures In Comfort
Ahhhh, comfort food. Is there anything better? And here in the good old US of A, I would posit that macaroni and cheese is the ultimate comfort food.
Adventures In Emollients
Once upon a time, I only needed to look forward to chapped and peeling lips in the winter. And then in the fullness of time, it became a year-round affliction.
Adventures In Gateau
I love bananas. Especially in a dessert. Banana bread. Banana cream pie. And banana cake. I particularly like quick and easy banana cake, using a box mix and some canned cream cheese frosting. Super easy, and a respectful way to deal with the inevitable buildup of very ripe bananas, as I always buy more than I can eat.
Adventures In Fringe Science
When the X-Files came out in the 90s, I wanted to love it. I really did. And I felt like I should have. But I didn’t. It was icky and creepy and most importantly, I didn’t actually like or care about the characters.
Adventures In Extracts
I love vanilla. I love it more than chocolate. No, that’s not right. I love it as much as chocolate. I mean, I love it almost as much as chocolate.
Adventures In The Wardrobe-Part 2
If you haven’t read Part 1, then do that before starting this post.
Adventures In The Wardrobe-Part 1
I’ve often thought that if a reader can be introduced to certain amazing children’s stories as a child, they experience it in a deep way that is not possible if they wait until they are adults before reading the story for the first time. Case in point: C.S. Lewis’ famous book The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe.
Adventures In Brownies
A day without chocolate is like…well, I must confess that I don’t actually know what a day without chocolate is like.
Adventures In Journaling
There are many lovely websites (and YouTube channels) devoted to utterly beautiful and artistic bullet journals. This is not one of those websites.
Adventures In Crème Patissiere
A cream pie in the face is…well, it’s quite frankly a criminal waste of a cream pie.
Adventures In Thermal Retention
In my modest fabric stash (if by “modest” you understand that I mean it is not overflowing the containers I put it in), I recently found a jelly roll I’d forgotten about.
Adventures In Pollinosis
What is pollinosis? Well, that would be the medical term for hay fever. Seasonal allergies. Allergic rhinitis. Thank you,
Adventures In Hogwarts
I love the wizarding world and the Harry Potter books. I remember starting the series in 2000. I brought the first book to work (at a job where I worked nights and had a fair amount of free time) and finished it before the end of my shift.
Adventures In German Cuisine
When I was a child, on Sundays after church the whole family would head off to Elmer’s for Sunday brunch. Of course, we didn’t call it brunch back then…it was just breakfast that we ate at lunchtime.
Adventures In Game Systems
My family loves to play Rummy-O. If you’ve never played, it’s similar to the card game Rummy, only played with tiles.