
AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In Gallery Glass

Emboldened by the rallying cry “Do it for the blog!”, I have managed to wade through another craft project that has waited in a corner of my studio for several years. Faux-stained glass.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In Germ Warfare

Regardless of anyone’s opinion of COVID (leftist conspiracy theory, “bad cold,” world-threatening pandemic, etc), I think that no one can deny that the winter of 2020 when we were all wearing masks was a winter where fewer of us caught colds and flu…and COVID.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In Timekeeping-Part 1

I might have mentioned this before, but I watch a lot of YouTube. A LOT. And one of the largest playlists in my personal YouTube library is for mixed media art. I am particularly fond of the steampunk aesthetic…gears and rust and pipes and valves and mechanical parts that may or may not perform any function.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In Embellishment

When I was a child, I loved to read. I devoured books and went searching for more. I was in a childhood friend’s closet one day digging for reading material when I found his comic book stash.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In Sable

The fiber artists among my readers will know that SABLE stands for Stash Acquisition Beyond Life Expectancy. For you muggles (those who don’t knit or crochet), I will further explain that I myself have achieved SABLE. It’s exactly what it sounds like. My yarn stash has grown to such proportions that even if I knit or crochet for several hours every day for the rest of my life, I will never get through it all.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In Emollients

Once upon a time, I only needed to look forward to chapped and peeling lips in the winter. And then in the fullness of time, it became a year-round affliction.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In Thermal Retention

In my modest fabric stash (if by “modest” you understand that I mean it is not overflowing the containers I put it in), I recently found a jelly roll I’d forgotten about.

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AmyLynn Colvin AmyLynn Colvin

Adventures In Game Systems

My family loves to play Rummy-O.  If you’ve never played, it’s similar to the card game Rummy, only played with tiles.

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